The Pastor Who Cares

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happiness Is Like A Butterfly

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.
Trying to catch happiness itself is sort of like trying to catch a butterfly. We may be able to catch it if we put our all into it and overwork ourselves but chances are, if we just live in peace, and do the other things in life that we are supposed to do, happiness will not be far from us, and will more than likely come to us. Life is really about doing the things that we are passionate about, doing the things that we love, with the people that we love.

We must be willing to take the time to get to know ourselves, and to get to know our own hearts in order to be able to know what parts of life will best suit us, and how that we should probably go about our lives. Happiness is the product of hard work, sacrifice, and reaching for your dreams, and truly without all of these components it is more than likely that happiness will not approach us, but will instead avoid us.

Live Passionately And Sincerely

Live passionately and sincerely.
In order to gain the most out of our lives, including the work, time, and effort, that we put into different aspects of our everyday lives we must learn to execute almost every action with as much passion, and sincerity as possible. We have to be dedicated to our crafts, and to our dreams. If you don't have any dreams then be passionate and sincere in the way that you go about receiving them, and continue to use this passionate, sincere energy to capture your dreams once you figure out what they are.

A wise man once said to look busy even if you are not busy. We can use this as an analogy for our whole lives because sometimes even when we do not know exactly where we are going or want to go, just being aggressive and passionate about every small thing we do will take us much further than if we would have just waited for life to happen to us.

Nothing Is Impossible

The most important thing in life is to stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will." Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.
Too many of us live our lives wishing for things that we can't even dream big enough to see ourselves having in our lifetimes. Instead of living with a defeated attitude we must muster up enough courage to declare victory over situations in which we never thought we even had a chance facing. Instead of living life wishing for things to happen, we have to live our lives making things happen.

As cliche as it sounds, nothing really is impossible, and if you are able to dream it, then chances are you are able to achieve it. There will be those who speak against you, and obstacles that rise in your way as big as mountains. In order to get past these barriers to our dreams we have to be willing to only worry about what is in our hearts to do, and to fight as hard as possible in order to accomplish the things that we desire to do in our hearts.