The Pastor Who Cares

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What You Do Matters

Colossians 3:17  And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

 What you and I  do on a day to day base, yes Matters!!!

•Take the car to be serviced/washed.
•Deliver/pick up from the dry cleaners.
•Pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy.
•Return library books.
•Serving your guests so you can enjoy your party.
•Take used items to Goodwill/Salvation Army.
•Grocery shopping.
•Catch up on laundry.
•Change beds, launder linens.
•Wait for the repairman.
•Take recycling to collection center.
•Organize closets.
•Take children to their appointments.
•Drive for day surgery - assist for the rest of the day (if needed).
•Rearrange furniture.
•Helping with dinner party arrangements. 

Whether in preaching the word of Christ, in hearing the Gospel, in singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and in conference and conversation with each other; or in whatsoever action, civil or religious throughout the whole life and conversation, in the performance of things natural, moral, and evangelical, relating to God or man, or one another, in the world or church: 

Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus; both in the strength of Christ, without whom nothing can be well said or done; and according to the mind and will of Christ declared in the Gospel, which is his name; and calling upon his name for assistance in the ministration of his word, administration of his ordinances, and in the performance of every duty, directing all to, and having solely in view his honour and glory:

 Therefore embrace your uniqueness and individuality,embody the essence of who you are in Christ Jesus, you are Wonderful Made.  What You Do Matters.

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